Hi there my name is Froggy and I am the favorite toy of Casey the dog. It is not only hard being green, but it is not easy being a chew toy either.
I spend a great deal of time in peace and contemplation in some remote corner of the house, thankfully ignored by two highly strung felines. It is boring, to say the least, when I am in these forgotten places and sometimes I want the dog to remember my existence. Then suddenly I am pounced on, out of nowhere! My inner peace suddenly disturbed. It is at these moments when I long for those boring hours of being ignored.
You wouldn't understand the torture involved in being a chew toy. Being suddenly taken unawares not withstanding, my body is then chewed on, over and over. The squeeks from my body just encourage the dog to continue her torture of me. Then I feel my body being ripped and tugged upon as the human grabs my rubbery body from the jaws of the slobbering mongrel. I think, for brief moments, that I am saved. Finally someone sees my value and wants me. Then suddenly I feel my green body sailing through the air and then I am bouncing with no purpose. Randomly I tumble. Maybe I am safe. NOooooooooo! I am again in the jaws of Casey. The whole process repeats, over and over, and I am getting wetter and wetter. This is so disgusting! Do I get Workers Comp for this torture?
Finally they have forgotten about me, and I am again forgotten. Ahhhh peace and quiet. At least for a little bit.
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