Friday, September 22, 2006

More Ivanhoe

Alright, for the update on Ivanhoe. Locksley and the Black Knight have stormed the castle and rescued the prisoners. Meanwhile, Ulrica, who really knows how to hold a grudge, has lit the castle on fire to make sure Front-de-Boeuf really dies. And the Templar has kidnapped Rebbecca, fought his way out of the castle and has fled. It must be this cold, but I am finding that terribly romantic. I guess I am hoping that the Templar will turn out to be a good guy in the end. Although, saying that this is romantic, doesn't mean I want to be kidnapped by a moody, violent man. At least I wouldn't admit it out loud.

1 comment:

sang-froid said...

It was hard to translate the german - or was it dutch???