Monday, October 13, 2008

In Memory of Maggie Mae

Early this morning Maggie Mae passed away quietly at home. I don't know what else to say, other than we will miss her. She was one great cat.

I honestly didn't expect her to go, especially before Persistence and so quickly. But at least she was at home with us. She is now buried in the backyard.

Good bye Princess Maggie Mae

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just My Luck!
Okay, let's do a quick run down so far, as to how my life sucks. First, I still don't have a job. I have applied for everything, and absolutely nothing so far. Okay, well as friends have said, "Don't worry, something will turn up." Yah okay. Well, I have no money and get this. I was denied EI because if I stayed in Rupert, I would have found a job sooner. Right, so I am supposed to stay in Rupert and remain single forever?! I don't think so. But apparently that is not covered by EI, so no EI for me. No money. So I had to liquidate my Rsp's. Okay, so that should give me 2 months. But no investments. And my house still hasn't sold. Arghhh! Then to top off everything else, I continue to get stungs by wasps, on a regular basis, everytime I take the trash out. Actually, these things dive bomb me. And it hurts. It gets all swollen and itchy and takes more than a week to heal. Painful! So guess what happened on Friday? Yes I get stung yet again, but where? Yes that is right. On the ass this time. I was stung on the ass by a wasp! So my left butt cheek is swollen and making my ass all lopsided, and is itchy and painful as hell. This has just been the topper to a really shitty week.

On the plus side, no rain. Just clear blue skies and temps in the 20s. I can take the dogs for their walks without getting soaking wet. They just built a new dog park 4 blocks away, so I take the dogs there so they run around, and I don't have to worry about Casey taking off. It is quite neat. They need to build one in Rupert, but knowing some of the dog owners in Rupert, it would soon become a big pile of shit, because for some reason, there are quite a few dog owners in Rupert that don't pick up after their dogs. Here, I don't see nearly as much dog shit when I walk Casey and Finnigan, which is really nice.

Well that is all for now. I can't sit for too long, as it hurts my swollen ass.

Talk to you soon

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I'm a loser....

Still no job. Nothing. Na da! I am a loser. What the hell am I doing here? I just got back from a job interview. They didn't want me for this English job. But yay! I get to be on the TOC list. I guess I am feeling a little down. I should be working by now and I don't like being unemployed. I am broke and bored. I just want a job. Maybe I should just find a large box and a empty doorway and call it a life. Okay, that is a bit extreme. I hope something turns up.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 2 in the 'Loops

Well, now that the excitement of the move is over I am feeling a bit on the bored side. I guess it is just the waiting thing. I have to wait; for the house to sell; to get a job; to live my life. All this waiting is something I don't do very well.

The dogs have settled into a routine, and I think they are liking the role of guard dog for Mum, although she doesn't need guarding.

As for me, I have nothing much to report. Just waiting......

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The move to Kamloops

Well, I have finally done it. I have moved from Prince Rupert back to my home town of Kamloops. Wow what an experience. I managed to get some of my former students to load a UHaul truck with all my belongings and drive back to Kamloops. Getting the truck was a trial in patience. I had reserved the truck for Monday, but on Saturday I got a phone call from the UHaul saying they have my truck but I would have to go to Burns Lake to pick it up. Seriously! Burns Lake! No way. Apparently "they don't guarantee location pick-up". What about customer service? I managed to rearrange things and got a truck in Terrace on Tuesday instead. So Tuesday afternoon, the truck got loaded (creativly) and I headed off to Kamloops.

When I got to Kamloops I managed to find a storage space (apparently large spaces are at a premium)and unloaded the truck and packed full an 8x16 locker. Thankfully my dad and Cherryl were there to help unload.

I flew back to Prince Rupert on Saturday. Actually, I ended up flying to Terrace because the Prince Rupert airport was fogged in. It made for a longer day than I had wished. Oh well. Picked up the dogs, said my farewells and left.

I have to mention that Lauri and Elizabeth have been lifesavers. Not only picking my up at the Highliner, but hiring cleaners for the house, and Lauri is painting away my red walls. They have been amazing. I will miss you guys so much, especially the prime rib dinners.

Well, to all my Prince Rupert family. I will try to update this blog regularly. Miss you all.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Here are some pictures from my vacation to Puerto Vallarta.