Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Thirteenth Tale Part 2

I have finally finished reading The Thirteenth Tale, I shouldn't say finally because I enjoyed devouring this novel, and I have to say that it was one of the better books that I have ever read. Before I started the novel, I read a number of reviews just out of curiosity. All of them praised this novel, but I was skeptical for some reason. I tend to gravitate toward novels that are "happy" and I wasnt sure if I would enjoy this book. It was darker than other books that I have read, but darker in a good way.

It had a number of spiritual and mystical elements threading through the story. The magical connection of twinness, the mystery of family and secrets, and the pain of loneliness. Yes, it was "dark" but by the end of the novel it felt that the darkness had a purpose and there was a sense of hope coming from despair.

Bottom line: Read this book and you will also be gripped by the mystery.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Latest Projects

I have abandoned the baby quilts, at least for a while. I now have enough baby quilts to last a lifetime.

My creativity is now focused on making bags and purses. I am finding it interesting to come up with an idea and see if I can create it. The tall bag on the left is a yoga mat bag. The other picture is a variety of purses. The cow print is my latest creation. I really like this one. I plan to sell these at the craft fair in November. Hopefully these will sell better than the baby quilts.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Right now I am reading The Thirteenth Tale. I am about half way through it and I am really enjoying it. It has been described as a Gothic novel, but I am not sure what that means. If it means that there is something dark about it, then it's true. There is a dark mystery surrounding the Anglefield family, and the protagonist Margaret has found herself in the middle of it. I am not sure where the Anglefield story is going to lead her and I can't wait to find out. Already I can recommend this book. Check it out.