Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Winter wonderland!

I thought that winter was over, but I guess it isn't in Prince Rupert. The snow is falling and it isn't stopping. Maybe it will be a snow day tomorrow. Here's hoping!

If it wasn't March this would be beautiful. Now it's just inconvienent. But the dogs are loving it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pretty Persistence

Here is a snapshot of my kitty Persistence. She is looking quite attractive here. Unfortunately I have had to shave parts of her. She managed to get some matts on her back due to the fact that she is too fat to properly groom herself. She is also unable to groom herself in other, more private areas, so I had to shave her bum. She didn't mind the electric shaver on her back, she thought is was a massage. She did not enjoy the other shaving, and frankly I didn not find it all that enjoyable either. Thankfully she doesn't seem vain in any sense of the word and doesn't hate me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break is Over!!!!!

I am very sad that Spring Break is over. During my week of relaxation I went to Terrace. I brought my new camera to test it out. Here is a picture that I took. It wasn't the sunniest of days as you can see.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Prince Rupert Eye

Friday, March 16, 2007

You are a Self-Discoverer

You're not religious, but you've created your own kind of spirituality.
Introspective and thoughtful, you tend to look inward for the divine.
You are distrusting of all forms of organized religion.
You especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, who you feel are charlatans.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Obscure Pictures From Prince Rupert

Spring juxtaposed with winter. Only in Prince Rupert can this happen. Now where in Prince Rupert did I get this picture? Well, I didn't have to stoop to take this photo.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I give up!!!! The picture won't post. I'll try later.
Yes, it has been 2 months since my last blog update, but considering a grand total of 3 people view my blog regularly, and they all see each other regularly, what's the point? Okay, so I figured I need to have a theme. There are many blogs out there with themes, so I figured this is what I need to do. Theme!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's my theme. Random images from Prince Rupert. I'll leave clues to where I took the pictures. I was trying to upload a picture but it wasn't working. I will post this and try again later.